Overview: “Sakamoto Days” is a thrilling action-comedy anime series that combines martial arts, espionage, and humor in a high-stakes world of assassins. Based on the popular manga by Yuto Suzuki, this 2025 TV adaptation follows the hilarious and heartwarming story of Taro Sakamoto, once the world’s most feared assassin, who has traded in his life of violence for domestic bliss. However, his past comes crashing back as old enemies resurface, and he’s forced to confront his past while balancing the challenges of family life and maintaining his identity as an assassin.
Setting: The show takes place in a modern, yet subtly dystopian world, where underground assassin organizations, powerful crime syndicates, and high-profile assassinations are commonplace. While the story has a contemporary setting, there’s a blend of exaggerated martial arts skills, supernatural abilities, and high-tech gadgets used by the characters. The series juxtaposes the danger and violence of this criminal underworld with light-hearted, sometimes absurd, moments of family life.
Plot: The plot of “Sakamoto Days” revolves around Sakamoto’s attempt to live a quiet life in retirement while his past continues to haunt him. Initially, the show follows his daily life running the convenience store, interacting with customers, and engaging in domestic routines with his wife and assistant. However, Sakamoto’s former colleagues and enemies from his days as an assassin start to reappear, throwing his peaceful life into chaos.
The first major conflict arises when a rival assassin organization targets his family. Though Sakamoto initially tries to stay out of the action, his protective instincts kick in, and he is forced to return to his old ways to protect his loved ones. Along the way, he uncovers a conspiracy involving several high-ranking figures from the criminal underworld, leading to high-octane action sequences and close calls.
As the series progresses, Sakamoto faces off against old enemies, some of whom seek revenge for past wrongdoings. Meanwhile, he grapples with his feelings of guilt over his past life and the balance he needs to strike between protecting his family and keeping them safe from the deadly world he’s left behind.
Throughout the show, there is a comedic undercurrent, largely driven by Sakamoto’s unlikely position as an overweight, middle-aged man who still possesses his lethal skills. His interactions with his friends, enemies, and family are full of humorous moments, providing a lighthearted contrast to the intense action scenes. The show frequently explores themes of redemption, loyalty, and what it means to leave behind a life of violence for a new beginning.
Tone: “Sakamoto Days” strikes a unique balance between high-octane action and light-hearted comedy. The action scenes are choreographed to be intense and engaging, showcasing Sakamoto’s deadly abilities, while the humor is often based on the absurdity of his situation, especially his transformation from a deadly assassin to a soft-spoken storeowner. This mix of action, comedy, and family drama makes the show appealing to a wide audience.
Visuals: The animation style is sharp and dynamic, particularly during action sequences, with fluid fight choreography and vibrant colors. The character designs reflect their personalities, with Sakamoto’s transformation from a sleek, dangerous killer to a plump, disheveled convenience store owner serving as a striking visual metaphor for his character arc. The show’s setting blends modern cityscapes with dark, underground elements, reflecting the duality of Sakamoto’s life.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Sakamoto Days is an animated series that blends high-octane action with hilarious comedy, set against the backdrop of a larger-than-life adventure. It follows the story of Taro Sakamoto, a former world-class assassin who has now retired to live a peaceful life with his family. However, his past continues to haunt him as his old enemies come out of the shadows, forcing him back into a world of danger and intrigue. The series is filled with wild action scenes, clever humor, and heartwarming moments, appealing to fans of intense battles and those who love a good laugh.
As Sakamoto trains a new generation of assassins, he learns to balance his deadly skills with the responsibilities of family life, all while navigating through outrageous situations and absurd enemies. With its mix of thrilling adventures, comedic moments, and unexpected twists, Sakamoto Days delivers a unique viewing experience for a wide audience.
Reception & Expectations (2025): The adaptation of Sakamoto Days is highly anticipated by fans of the manga due to the popularity of the original work. With a talented production team behind it, the series is expected to deliver high-quality animation and an engaging storyline. Fans can look forward to a unique blend of action-packed sequences, character-driven drama, and humor, with deep themes of redemption and the struggles of reconciling one’s past with their present.
The show’s mix of emotional depth, intense action, and comedic moments places it in the category of action-comedy series with broader appeal. The success of this series will likely hinge on its ability to maintain the balance between the humor of Sakamoto’s domestic life and the action-filled world of assassins that always seems to pull him back in.
While Sakamoto Days is primarily a comedy-action manga, it contains scenes of violence and intense action typical of the genre. It is generally rated for older teens and up due to its themes and graphic content, so parental discretion is advised for younger readers.
The main characters include:
Many other colorful characters, including allies and enemies from Sakamoto's assassin past, appear throughout the series.
Sakamoto Days stands out due to its mix of intense action sequences and lighthearted humor. The protagonist, Sakamoto, is a family-oriented man, breaking the typical mold of the stoic assassin. The series strikes a balance between showcasing thrilling fights and exploring Sakamoto’s day-to-day life, making it both exciting and heartwarming.
Sakamoto Days is serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump and is available to read digitally on platforms like Viz Media and Manga Plus. As of now, there is no anime adaptation, but fans are eagerly anticipating one in the future.
No, Sakamoto Days blends action with comedy and slice-of-life elements. While action scenes are a key highlight, the series often explores themes of family, friendship, and the humor found in everyday situations, giving it a well-rounded appeal.
Sakamoto Days is an ongoing manga series, with new chapters released regularly in Weekly Shonen Jump. Fans can look forward to the unfolding story and character developments as the series progresses.