“Saint-Pierre” is an upcoming crime drama series set to premiere on January 1, 2025. Created by Allan Hawco, Robina Lord-Stafford, and Perry Chafe, this show blends mystery, suspense, and crime-solving in the picturesque yet eerie setting of Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, a French archipelago located just off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.
The series follows Inspector Donny “Fitz” Fitzpatrick (played by Allan Hawco), a disgraced officer from Newfoundland who is exiled to Saint-Pierre after digging into the wrong local politician’s activities. He is partnered with Geneviève “Arch” Archambault (played by Joséphine Jobert), a fierce local deputy with her own mysterious past. Together, they uncover a web of dark secrets and criminal activities hidden beneath the serene beauty of the island.
The show promises to be a thrilling mix of crime, drama, and suspense, with a unique setting that combines French and North American cultures. The production of Saint-Pierre is being filmed on location in both Saint-Pierre et Miquelon and St. John’s, Newfoundland, offering a visually captivating backdrop for the unfolding mystery. The series also features James Purefoy, known for his role in Sex Education, though details of his character remain under wraps
If you are looking for a gripping procedural drama that explores the mysteries of an isolated island with a fresh, international twist, Saint-Pierre is one to watch.
"Saint-Pierre 2025" stars Allan Hawco as Inspector Donny "Fitz" Fitzpatrick, Joséphine Jobert as Deputy Chief Geneviève "Arch" Archambault, and James Purefoy as Sean Gallagher.
"Saint-Pierre 2025" is premiering on January 6, 2025, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time on CBC and CBC Gem.
The main characters in "Saint-Pierre 2025" are Inspector Donny "Fitz" Fitzpatrick, played by Allan Hawco, Deputy Chief Geneviève "Arch" Archambault, portrayed by Joséphine Jobert, and Sean Gallagher, played by James Purefoy.
"Saint-Pierre 2025" will be released on January 6, 2025, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time on CBC and CBC Gem.
As of now, specific budget details for the television series "Saint-Pierre 2025" have not been publicly disclosed. The production is a collaboration between Hawco Productions and Fifth Season, with filming taking place in Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France, and St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. While the series is set to premiere on CBC and CBC Gem on January 6, 2025, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time, the exact financial details, including the budget, have not been released to the public.
"Saint-Pierre" is a Canadian police procedural television series created by Allan Hawco, Robina Lord-Stafford, and Perry Chafe. Hawco and Lord-Stafford serve as showrunners for the series.
The series is produced by Hawco Productions in association with global film and TV studio Fifth Season, which is also handling global distribution.